package com.opencsv.bean;
* Builder for a {@link HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy}.
* This allows opencsv to introduce new options for mapping strategies
* while maintaining backward compatibility and without creating
* reams of constructors for the mapping strategy.
* @param <T> The type of the bean being processed
* @since 5.5
* @author Andrew Rucker Jones
public class HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategyBuilder<T>
extends AbstractMappingStrategyBuilder<T,HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy<T>> {
private boolean forceCorrectRecordLength = false;
/** Default constructor. */
public HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategyBuilder() {}
public HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy<T> build() {
HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy<T> builder = new HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy<>(forceCorrectRecordLength);
if (type != null) {
return builder;
* Insists that every record will be considered to be of the correct
* length (that is, the same number of columns as the header).
* <p>Excess fields at the end of a record will be ignored. Missing
* fields at the end of a record will be interpreted as {@code null}.
* This is only relevant on reading.</p>
* <p>If not set, incorrect record length will throw an exception. That
* is, the default value is {@code false}.</p>
* @param forceCorrectRecordLength Whether records should be forced to
* the correct length
* @return {@code this}
public HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategyBuilder<T> withForceCorrectRecordLength(boolean forceCorrectRecordLength) {
this.forceCorrectRecordLength = forceCorrectRecordLength;
return this;