package com.opencsv.bean;
import com.opencsv.CSVReader;
import com.opencsv.ICSVParser;
import com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.ListValuedMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.*;
* Allows for the mapping of columns with their positions. Using this strategy
* without annotations ({@link com.opencsv.bean.CsvBindByPosition} or
* {@link com.opencsv.bean.CsvCustomBindByPosition}) requires all the columns
* to be present in the CSV file and for them to be in a particular order. Using
* annotations allows one to specify arbitrary zero-based column numbers for
* each bean member variable to be filled. Also this strategy requires that the
* file does NOT have a header. That said, the main use of this strategy is
* files that do not have headers.
* @param <T> Type of object that is being processed.
public class ColumnPositionMappingStrategy<T> extends AbstractMappingStrategy<String, Integer, ComplexFieldMapEntry<String, Integer, T>, T> {
* Whether the user has programmatically set the map from column positions
* to field names.
private boolean columnsExplicitlySet = false;
* The map from column position to {@link BeanField}.
private FieldMapByPosition<T> fieldMap;
* Holds a {@link java.util.Comparator} to sort columns on writing.
private Comparator<Integer> writeOrder;
* Used to store a mapping from presumed input column index to desired
* output column index, as determined by applying {@link #writeOrder}.
private Integer[] columnIndexForWriting = null;
* Default constructor. Considered stable.
* @see ColumnPositionMappingStrategyBuilder
public ColumnPositionMappingStrategy() {
* There is no header per se for this mapping strategy, but this method
* checks the first line to determine how many fields are present and
* adjusts its field map accordingly.
// The rest of the Javadoc is inherited
public void captureHeader(CSVReader reader) throws IOException {
// Validation
if (type == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ResourceBundle
.getBundle(ICSVParser.DEFAULT_BUNDLE_NAME, errorLocale)
String[] firstLine = ArrayUtils.nullToEmpty(reader.peek());
fieldMap.setMaxIndex(firstLine.length - 1);
if (!columnsExplicitlySet) {
for (FieldMapByPositionEntry<T> entry : fieldMap) {
Field f = entry.getField().getField();
if (f.getAnnotation(CsvCustomBindByPosition.class) != null
|| f.getAnnotation(CsvBindAndSplitByPosition.class) != null
|| f.getAnnotation(CsvBindAndJoinByPosition.class) != null
|| f.getAnnotation(CsvBindByPosition.class) != null) {
headerIndex.put(entry.getPosition(), f.getName().toUpperCase().trim());
* @return {@inheritDoc} For this mapping strategy, it's simply
* {@code index} wrapped as an {@link java.lang.Integer}.
// The rest of the Javadoc is inherited
protected Integer chooseMultivaluedFieldIndexFromHeaderIndex(int index) {
return Integer.valueOf(index);
protected BeanField<T, Integer> findField(int col) {
// If we have a mapping for changing the order of the columns on
// writing, be sure to use it.
if (columnIndexForWriting != null) {
return col < columnIndexForWriting.length ? fieldMap.get(columnIndexForWriting[col]) : null;
return fieldMap.get(col);
* This method returns an empty array.
* The column position mapping strategy assumes that there is no header, and
* thus it also does not write one, accordingly.
* @return An empty array
// The rest of the Javadoc is inherited
public String[] generateHeader(T bean) throws CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException {
String[] h = super.generateHeader(bean);
columnIndexForWriting = new Integer[h.length];
Arrays.setAll(columnIndexForWriting, i -> i);
// Create the mapping for input column index to output column index.
Arrays.sort(columnIndexForWriting, writeOrder);
return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
* Gets a column name.
* @param col Position of the column.
* @return Column name or null if col > number of mappings.
public String getColumnName(int col) {
return headerIndex.getByPosition(col);
* Retrieves the column mappings.
* @return String array with the column mappings.
public String[] getColumnMapping() {
return headerIndex.getHeaderIndex();
* Setter for the column mapping.
* This mapping is for reading. Use of this method in conjunction with
* writing is undefined.
* @param columnMapping Column names to be mapped.
public void setColumnMapping(String... columnMapping) {
if (columnMapping != null) {
} else {
columnsExplicitlySet = true;
if(getType() != null) {
loadFieldMap(); // In case setType() was called first.
* Register a binding between a bean field and a custom converter.
* @param annotation The annotation attached to the bean field
* @param localType The class/type in which the field resides
* @param localField The bean field
private void registerCustomBinding(CsvCustomBindByPosition annotation, Class<?> localType, Field localField) {
Class<? extends AbstractBeanField<T, Integer>> converter = (Class<? extends AbstractBeanField<T, Integer>>)annotation.converter();
BeanField<T, Integer> bean = instantiateCustomConverter(converter);
fieldMap.put(annotation.position(), bean);
* Register a binding between a bean field and a collection converter that
* splits input into multiple values.
* @param annotation The annotation attached to the bean field
* @param localType The class/type in which the field resides
* @param localField The bean field
private void registerSplitBinding(CsvBindAndSplitByPosition annotation, Class<?> localType, Field localField) {
String fieldLocale = annotation.locale();
String fieldWriteLocale = annotation.writeLocaleEqualsReadLocale()
? fieldLocale
: annotation.writeLocale();
Class<?> elementType = annotation.elementType();
CsvConverter converter = determineConverter(localField, elementType,
fieldLocale, fieldWriteLocale, annotation.converter());
fieldMap.put(annotation.position(), new BeanFieldSplit<>(
localType, localField, annotation.required(), errorLocale, converter,
annotation.splitOn(), annotation.writeDelimiter(),
annotation.collectionType(), elementType, annotation.capture(),
* Register a binding between a bean field and a multi-valued converter
* that joins values from multiple columns.
* @param annotation The annotation attached to the bean field
* @param localType The class/type in which the field resides
* @param localField The bean field
private void registerJoinBinding(CsvBindAndJoinByPosition annotation, Class<?> localType, Field localField) {
String fieldLocale = annotation.locale();
String fieldWriteLocale = annotation.writeLocaleEqualsReadLocale()
? fieldLocale
: annotation.writeLocale();
CsvConverter converter = determineConverter(localField, annotation.elementType(),
fieldLocale, fieldWriteLocale, annotation.converter());
fieldMap.putComplex(annotation.position(), new BeanFieldJoinIntegerIndex<>(
localType, localField, annotation.required(), errorLocale, converter,
annotation.mapType(), annotation.capture(), annotation.format()));
* Register a binding between a bean field and a simple converter.
* @param annotation The annotation attached to the bean field
* @param localType The class/type in which the field resides
* @param localField The bean field
private void registerBinding(CsvBindByPosition annotation, Class<?> localType, Field localField) {
String fieldLocale = annotation.locale();
String fieldWriteLocale = annotation.writeLocaleEqualsReadLocale()
? fieldLocale
: annotation.writeLocale();
CsvConverter converter = determineConverter(localField, localField.getType(), fieldLocale, fieldWriteLocale, null);
fieldMap.put(annotation.position(), new BeanFieldSingleValue<>(
localType, localField, annotation.required(), errorLocale,
converter, annotation.capture(), annotation.format()));
* Creates a map of annotated fields in the bean to be processed.
* <p>This method is called by {@link #loadFieldMap()} when at least one
* relevant annotation is found on a member variable.</p>
protected void loadAnnotatedFieldMap(ListValuedMap<Class<?>, Field> fields) {
for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Field> classAndField : fields.entries()) {
Class<?> localType = classAndField.getKey();
Field localField = classAndField.getValue();
// Custom converters always have precedence.
if (localField.isAnnotationPresent(CsvCustomBindByPosition.class)
|| localField.isAnnotationPresent(CsvCustomBindByPositions.class)) {
CsvCustomBindByPosition annotation = selectAnnotationForProfile(
if (annotation != null) {
registerCustomBinding(annotation, localType, localField);
// Then check for a collection
else if (localField.isAnnotationPresent(CsvBindAndSplitByPosition.class)
|| localField.isAnnotationPresent(CsvBindAndSplitByPositions.class)) {
CsvBindAndSplitByPosition annotation = selectAnnotationForProfile(
if (annotation != null) {
registerSplitBinding(annotation, localType, localField);
// Then check for a multi-column annotation
else if (localField.isAnnotationPresent(CsvBindAndJoinByPosition.class)
|| localField.isAnnotationPresent(CsvBindAndJoinByPositions.class)) {
CsvBindAndJoinByPosition annotation = selectAnnotationForProfile(
if (annotation != null) {
registerJoinBinding(annotation, localType, localField);
// Then it must be a bind by position.
else {
CsvBindByPosition annotation = selectAnnotationForProfile(
if (annotation != null) {
registerBinding(annotation, localType, localField);
protected void loadUnadornedFieldMap(ListValuedMap<Class<?>, Field> fields) {
for(Map.Entry<Class<?>, Field> classAndField : fields.entries()) {
Class<?> localType = classAndField.getKey();
Field localField = classAndField.getValue();
CsvConverter converter = determineConverter(localField, localField.getType(), null, null, null);
int[] indices = headerIndex.getByName(localField.getName());
if(indices.length != 0) {
fieldMap.put(indices[0], new BeanFieldSingleValue<>(
localType, localField, false, errorLocale, converter, null, null));
* Returns a set of the annotations that are used for binding in this
* mapping strategy.
* <p>In this mapping strategy, those are currently:<ul>
* <li>{@link CsvBindByPosition}</li>
* <li>{@link CsvCustomBindByPosition}</li>
* <li>{@link CsvBindAndJoinByPosition}</li>
* <li>{@link CsvBindAndSplitByPosition}</li>
* </ul></p>
protected Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> getBindingAnnotations() {
// With Java 9 this can be done more easily with Set.of()
return new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
protected void initializeFieldMap() {
fieldMap = new FieldMapByPosition<>(errorLocale);
protected void verifyLineLength(int numberOfFields) throws CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException {
if (!headerIndex.isEmpty()) {
BeanField<T, Integer> f;
StringBuilder sb = null;
for (int i = numberOfFields; i <= headerIndex.findMaxIndex(); i++) {
f = findField(i);
if (f != null && f.isRequired()) {
if (sb == null) {
sb = new StringBuilder(ResourceBundle.getBundle(ICSVParser.DEFAULT_BUNDLE_NAME, errorLocale).getString("multiple.required.field.empty"));
sb.append(' ');
if (sb != null) {
throw new CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException(type, sb.toString());
* Returns the column position for the given column number.
* Yes, they're the same thing. For this mapping strategy, it's a simple
* conversion from an integer to a string.
// The rest of the Javadoc is inherited
public String findHeader(int col) {
return Integer.toString(col);
protected FieldMap<String, Integer, ? extends ComplexFieldMapEntry<String, Integer, T>, T> getFieldMap() {
return fieldMap;
* Sets the {@link java.util.Comparator} to be used to sort columns when
* writing beans to a CSV file.
* Behavior of this method when used on a mapping strategy intended for
* reading data from a CSV source is not defined.
* @param writeOrder The {@link java.util.Comparator} to use. May be
* {@code null}, in which case the natural ordering is used.
* @since 4.3
public void setColumnOrderOnWrite(Comparator<Integer> writeOrder) {
this.writeOrder = writeOrder;
if (fieldMap != null) {